What Are Expansive Soils?
Each year in the United States, expansive soils cause $2.3 billion in damage to houses, other buildings, roads, pipelines, and other structures. This is more than twice the damage from floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes combined.
Mold: Is There A Hidden Fungus Among Us?
In Texas a simple claim for water damage to a hardwood floor turned into a verdict of over $32,000,0001 because the home became infested with mold. In Arizona, a small claim for a leak in a Culligan soft water conditioner that was initially estimated at $2,500 in damage ended up as a claim for over $700,000.
The Implied Warranty of Habitability in Nevada
In Nevada, a state that is experiencing the largest population growth in the country and a corresponding construction boom, the warranty of habitability provides an important protection to homebuyers.